The Griffin & Sabine Trilogy: Griffin & Sabine, Sabine's Notebook,
The Golden Mean: Ninja Review
Nick Bantock
Fiction (romance, mystery)
Reviewed by: Ninja Usagi (Bre)
Review posted: 12/26/03
Ninja Count: 0
Ninja Rating: D+
Yeah, no ninjas directly mentioned in this book. I don't really know
how many ninjas there are in London, or in the South Pacific, but it
seemed like there possibly could have been ninjas at work, or they
really coulda used one.
In Sabine's Notebook (Book 2), Sabine comes to London while Griffin
is away doing everything he can except be with [literally] the woman
of his dreams. He comes back to find his house empty and none of his
neighbors ever remember anyone staying there. Either Sabine's the
stealthy ninja we know all women can be, or she's one fabulous liar.
The Golden Mean (Book 3) presents a wonderful example of when ninja
should be employed. Sabine's return to her South Pacific island is
greeted with the introduction of an arrogant ass of a man than
politely demands to know all about her and Griffin's correspondence,
to the point of threatening her frail father's life if he doesn't get
what he wants. A ninja called forth to assassinate his ass would
have been greatly appreciated somewhere along the way.
Ninjas can make bad guys go bye-bye. A lesson for everyone.