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            Tell Me Lies
            Jennifer Crusie
            Review posted: 7/20/03

            Take a romance, mystery, and a wicked sense of humor and mix them together. The results are likely to be something very like a Jennifer Crusie novel. Tell Me Lies is a prime example.

            Stuck in a small town with a cheating husband, a precocious daughter and an ill-defined desire for someting more, Maddie Farraday is getting fed-up. But when her husband winds up dead and the boy she gave her virginity to comes back to town, her previous boring, frustrating life is starting to look a lot better. There’s no keeping secrets in a small town, or so Maddie, who’s had her life on display since day one, thinks. She’s in a for a surprise when embezzlement is discovered in her husbands company, she finds out that everyone she knows seems to be having, or have had, an affair, and every time she turns around, she seems to uncover something someone would rather leave covered up.

            Maddie teams up with C.L., who’s no longer the bad boy who left Frog Point 20 years before. He’s back, and he’s .... an accountant? Yeah. But he’s probably the sexiest thing to ever happen to math. Things are heating up and while he and Maddie are rekindling an old flame, the killer is feeling the heat of their investigative efforts.

            Crusie creates fascinating, dynamic characters with enough chemistry between them to make the book sizzle. Throw in a mystery of not so epic proportions, but still interesting enough to keep you guessing and you’ve got a fun book with a wickedly humorous storyline. Crusie is a born story teller. Tell Me Lies is a fun, interesting and intriguing story.

            Rated SN- for slightly naughty.